Multifaceted Performance Dashboard

Sustainability at Veolia North America
Veolia Strategic program 2027: GreenUp

Performance Dashboard

Performance Metrics



UN Sustainable Development Goal

2023 North America Result

2023 Global Target

Planet: Reducing Veolia's Impact

Scope 1 and 2 GHG Emissions

Metric tons of CO2 equivalent per year

13: Climate Action

Scope 1: 1047 kT CO2e

Scope 2: 507 kT CO2e

North America Baseline Year*


% completion of environmental management plans at sensitive sites

13: Climate Action



Sustainable Management of Water Resources

% efficiency of drinking water networks

6: Clean Water and Sanitation



People / Human Resources

Employee Engagement

Rate of engagement of employees, measured through an independent survey

8: Decent Work and Economic Growth



Safety at Work

Lost time injury frequency rate

8: Decent Work and Economic Growth



Employee Training and Employability

Average number of training hours per employee per year

4: Quality Education

30 hours

23 hours


Proportion of women appointed among executives

5: Gender Equality



Social / Communities

Diversity in Procurement Spend

Sourcing from minority, women, veteran-owned businesses

10: Reduced Inequalities



Customers: Reducing our Clients' Impact

Customer Satisfaction

Net promoter index score (out of 100, 30 considered good)

9: Industry, innovations and infrastructure




Ethics and Compliance

Rate of positive answers to this question on the employee engagement survey: "Veolia's values and ethics are put into practice in my business unit."

8: Decent work and economic growth



Activity Metrics



UN Sustainable Development Goal

2023 North America Result

Social / Communities

Job Creation in the Territories

Direct and indirect jobs supported in the countries where Veolia Group operates

8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

74,000 direct and indirect jobs

Wealth Creation in the Territories

Wealth created in the countries where Veolia Group operates

8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

$10.6 billion

Customers: Reducing Our Clients' Impact

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Avoided for Customers (Scope 4)

Kilotons of CO2 equivalent avoided

13: Climate Action

430 kilotons

Volume of Drinking Water Processed for Customers

Gallons of water processed

6: Clean Water and Sanitation

237,819,833,447 gallons

Volume of Wastewater Treated for Customers

Gallons of water processed

6: Clean Water and Sanitation

368,618,813,387 gallons

Volume of Hazardous Waste Processed for Customers

Metric tons of waste processed

12: Responsible Consumption and Production

1,888,259 metric tons

For complete sustainability and performance reporting data from Veolia and indices to sustainability reporting frameworks, consult Veolia's ESG Performance Summary.