Upstream Oil & Gas

upstream oil and gas

Optimizing operations and reducing operating costs has been at the forefront of the upstream oil and gas industry. The shale boom made produced water management a critical focus for oil and gas exploration and production. Large volumes of produced water are generated daily as part of normal operations, but disposal options are limited and can face tough environmental regulations. Having an experienced partner can help.

Guaranteeing performance, reducing downtime & optimizing operations

Produced water management is a critical component for oil and gas producers, and we understand the challenges producers face to dispose of produced water, meet environmental regulations and optimize operations. By consistently applying asset management best practices, we can provide comprehensive long-term performance guarantees. Our service models guarantee long-term quality, quantity, availability and maintenance performance.

Recovering value & reducing environmental impact

Our produced water management solutions maximize water reuse, recovering valuable resources such as fresh water and minimize induced seismicity. We believe in long-term partnerships to help the upstream industry maximize its water resources and reduce waste associated with production and exploration.

Maintaining safe operations

Veolia employees lead safety together, making safe behaviors and work practices a core value of everything we do. Each employee is committed to Goal Zero, our organization-wide commitment to strive for zero work-related injuries or illnesses. We consistently achieve the lowest incidence rates in the industry and work closely with our customers to add value and commitment to their safety protocol.

In 2017, an estimated 4.67 million barrels per day of crude was produced directly from shale in the U.S. 
(Source: EIA)

Our solutions for upstream oil & gas

See more of our solutions

Our cost-effective energy solutions are focused on efficiency, resiliency and sustainability.
Our waste and regeneration solutions are compliant with strict regulations, cost-effective and focused on environmental management.
We provide our customers clean, safe and resilient water and wastewater operations worldwide.

Relevant case studies

Chevron San Ardo

United States

Managing the San Ardo Water Reclamation Facility in a truly sustainable way.

The central production facility in San Ardo, CA features the first-ever installation of OPUS® (Optimized Pretreatment and Unique Separation) technology.

The project is the first produced water desalination facility in the world to use OPUS technology, a multiple-treatment process that removes contaminants sufficiently to meet the requirements for discharge.

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United States

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