CSX Recognizes Veolia at 25th Annual Chemical Safety Excellence Awards

Congratulations to the teams at Veolia’s Wurtland, KY; Fort Hill, OH; James River, VA and Morses Mill, NJ, facilities for their multi-year records without incident. Their commitment to the safe transportation of hazardous materials were recognized at the 25th Annual CSX Chemical Safety Excellence Awards event in St. Augustine, Florida.  Additionally, Veolia’s Middlesex, NJ facility had no accidental releases (NAR’s) in 2018 using CSX as a rail supplier.

According to CSX Corporation, “the Chemical Safety Excellence Awards recognize customers who safely ship more than 600 carloads of hazardous materials during the year prior without a release due to controllable factors. Now in its 25th year, the Chemical Safety Excellence Awards honor customers committed to safe procedures, such as securing valves and closures properly, and safe loading.”

The CSX award recognizes a commitment to the safe handling and distribution of hazardous materials shipped by these plant sites. It highlights Veolia's strong commitment to ensuring customer knowledge of safe handling practices and executing best practices in rail car shipping and maintenance as well as emergency response capabilities.

With 64 years of safety excellence among the sites in Kentucky, Ohio, Virginia and New Jersey, Veolia was presented the award on April 30 as part of the CSX Chemical Safety Excellence event. In attendance were Mike Bartholomew, ESS Supply Chain Director, and Bill Schoenig, East Region Logistics Manager, both based in Flanders, New Jersey.

CSX Safety Award 2019


Discover what the team at each Veolia site does:

Middlesex, NJ

Veolia North America’s Middlesex, NJ facility operates as a fully permitted treatment and storage operation performing solvent recycling as well as fuel blending. The Middlesex facility is located on a four-acre site in an industrial area of Middlesex Borough. The Middlesex facility operates as a fully permitted treatment and storage operation performing solvent recycling as well as fuel blending. The Middlesex facility is located on a four-acre site in an industrial area of Middlesex Borough and shipped 282 carloads with CSX in 2018. Veolia also moves large volumes via rail from its Azusa, CA and Henderson, CO facilities as well as large industrial clients. 


Wurtland, KY

Located in Kentucky, the Wurtland plant takes in molten sulfur extracted as a byproduct from other chemical and energy partners and anhydrous hydrogen chloride and turns it into fresh sulfur trioxide, oleum, chlorosulfonic acid and non-fuming sulfuric acid to be used in detergents, dyes and pharmaceuticals. Shipping over 200 rail cars a month, Wurtland has achieved over 14 years without an environmental incident and over four years without a recordable safety incident.

Wurtland Veolia Tanker

Fort Hill, OH

Fort Hill has a long history of outstanding safety, process safety and environmental performance. Handling both non-fuming and fuming acids, the Ohio plant provides products for the manufacture of shampoo, pulp and paper, polymers and more. They have gone 31 years without an event related to a lost time injury. Fort Hill ships in excess of 1,200 rail cars a year.

Veolia Fort Hill

James River, VA

On the outskirts of Richmond, Veolia’s James River plant has been in operation for over 70 years and has gone eight years without a chemical exposure to either Veolia employees or contractors. That feat has been achieved despite loading almost 400 rail cars a year.

Richmond KY Computer Operator

Morses Mill, NJ

With 32 full-time Veolia employees and 12 full-time contract partners, this plant west of Staten Island has run since startup 11 years ago without a recordable injury to Veolia staff or a major environmental incident. Handling all of the spent acid from our client, Morses Mill then fills and ships three rail cars and 10 to 14 tanker trucks a day of fresh material.

Morses Mill North View