Baltimore's Award Winning Biosolids Project

The challenge

Award-winning regional biosolids compost production and marketing project.

The project challenges are:

  • A privatized solution was required for the beneficial use of biosolids from the city of Baltimore's Back River Wastewater Treatment Plant. 
  • The partnership began in 1984 with a Veolia North America predecessor company to provide comprehensive services to support the new Baltimore City Composting Facility. 
  • Today, Veolia owns, operates and directs all marketing activities for the 45 dry-tons-per-day in-vessel biosolids composting facility which processes anaerobically digested, dewatered sludge sold to public and private users.

Veolia’s solution

Innovative solutions:

  • Initiate Product and Process Improvement Program to enhance product quality and marketability and process optimization.
  • Modify compost recipe to increase finished production to nearly triple double annual production and improve marketability.
  • Develop strategic alliances with key distributors.
  • Fine-tune operations and market development to meet identified market demands.
  • Market ORGRO High Organic Compost product as soil amendment and turf product to professional turf managers, landscape contractors, soil blenders and golf courses through a dealer/distribution network.


Surpassed goals:

  • One of the most successful privately operated biosolids facilities over the past decade.
  • More than two decades of perfect compliance and no odor complaints.
  • Industry model for other operations to emulate.
  • Consistently improved revenues from sale of composting materials
  • Achieved highest Class A/EQ compost standards of the U.S. EPA and State of Maryland.
  • Product sold out on regular basis because of successful marketing program and high quality compost production.
  • ​Waste eliminated - everything that goes into the facility leaves as compost. 

Learn more about our solutions:

Water Solutions
Waste Solutions
Energy Solutions